UDHR Notes: History of UDHR

UDHR notes: history of UDHR

UDHR notes, i.e. Universal Declaration of Human Rights which was adopted on 10 December, 1948.  In this part we will cover the History of UDHR, how UDHR was adopted and how it is so much relevant in present world. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone document in the history of human rights. It is considered as the Magna carta of mankind. It was the First International Bill of Human Rights.

UDHR notes on History of UDHR (Vedio):

UDHR notes on History of UDHR


  • Genesis of UDHR: Aftermath of World War (Massive Abuse of human life) was the main reason behind the formation of UDHR.
  • During Drafting of UN Charter, at San Francisco (1945)-it was suggested that UN Charter should have bill of rights. 
  • San Francisco Conference: decided that  UN Once Formed would give separate attention to the issue and develop a bill of rights thorough special commission.
  • On 16 February, 1946ECOSOC via Article 68 of UN Charter at its 1st session established Commission of Human Rights in nuclear form (nuclear Commission).
  • Article 68 of UN Charter: “The Economic and Social Council shall set up commissions in economic and social fields and for the promotion of human rights, and such other commissions as may be required for the performance of its functions.”
  • Nuclear Commission recommended full commission.
  • Full commission was established by resolution adopted on 26 June, 1946.
  • Full Commission initially consisted of 18 member of the UN those were selected by ECOSOC.

First Session of Full Commission:

  • First Session of Full Commission : it was held from 27 Jan-10 Feb 1947. The question regarding International bill of Human Rights, form & Content of the proposed bill were discussed. A group including Chairman, Vice Chairman , UN Secretariat were formed. 
  • Division of Human Rights of the Secretariat, headed by Prof. John P Humphrey, prepared the secretariat’s Draft outline of an international bill of Human Rights (Secretariat’s Draft Outline): 48 Article.

Humphrey and René Cassin Contribution:

  • Division of Human Rights of the Secretariat, headed by Prof. John P Humphrey, prepared the secretariat’s Draft outline of an international bill of Human Rights (Secretariat’s Draft Outline): 48 Article.
  • Humphrey Draft was both the first and the basic draft of the Universal Declaration.
  • Later full commission was enlarged and enlarged Drafting Committee 1st session was held from 9-25 June, 1947.
  • Meanwhile International Bill of Human Rights was also proposed by UK.
  • Two Draft: Humphrey Draft & International Bill of Human Rights proposed by UK.
  • Both drafts were considered by the Commission and two views were emerged mainly.
  • First view wanted the draft to be legally binding and other wanted it to have only moral weight-age.
  • René Cassin (Member of Drafting Committee, France)  : based on Humphrey Draft prepared his draft for which  he won Nobel Peace Prize in 1968).

Second and Third Session of Drafting Committee:

  • 2nd Session 2 to 17 December, 1947: Both drafts were considered and decided that the bill will have mainly three documents in it: 1. International Declaration of Human Rights2. International Covenant on Human Rights 3. Measure for Implementation
  • 3rd Session: 24 May to 18 June 1948:Individual article of the draft Declaration were examined.
  • CHR forward text of International Declaration of Human Rights 28 Article to 7th Session of ECOSOC
  • ECOSOC forwarded the draft to UNGA for final Consideration
  • UNGA–Third committee→ Finally adopted 30 Articles adopted  on 10 Dec 1948.

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