Definition of Jurisprudence:
- Bentham is known as Father of Jurisprudence. Austin took his work further
- Jurisprudence is the study and theory of law.
- It examines the fundamental principles, concepts, and systems of law, analyzing how laws are created, interpreted, and applied in society.
- The term originates from the Latin words juris (law) and prudentia (knowledge or wisdom), meaning “knowledge of the law.“
- In essence, jurisprudence seeks to understand the “why” behind the “what” of legal rules and institutions.
- Jurisprudence is the study of fundamental legal principles.
Definition of Jurisprudence by Various Jurists:
- John Austin
Definition: “Jurisprudence is the philosophy of positive law, which is law as it is (as opposed to law as it ought to be).”
Focus: Austin’s approach is analytical, focusing on the command of the sovereign backed by sanctions.
- Jeremy Bentham
Definition: “Jurisprudence is the art or science of law.”
Focus: Art of Law: application of legal principles, judgment, and discretion in real-life situations.
Science of Law: systematic and analytical study of legal concepts, systems, and principles.
- Salmond
Definition: ““Jurisprudence is the science of the first principles of civil law.
“First Principles”:refer to the basic, foundational concepts, justice, rights, duties, liabilities, and sovereignty.
“Civil Law”:all laws governing the relationships between individuals and the state in a society.
- Hans Kelsen:
Definition: “”Jurisprudence is the pure theory of law.””
Focus: Kelsen excludes moral, social, and psychological aspects, concentrating purely on the normative structure of law.
- H.L.A. Hart
Definition: “Jurisprudence is the analysis of the structure of legal systems”
Focus: Hart emphasizes the interplay between primary rules (governing behavior) and secondary rules (about rule-making, adjudication, and recognition).
- Ulpian (Roman Jurist):
Definition: “Jurisprudence is the knowledge of things divine and human, the science of the just and the unjust.”
Focus: A broader philosophical view linking law to morality and justice.
- Jullius Stone
Definition: “defines jurisprudence as a “lawyer’s extraversion.”
More Definitions:
Scope of Jurisprudence
- Theoretical and Philosophical Analysis
- Study of Legal Concepts
- Relationship Between Law and Morality
- Analysis of Law in Different Context (Social, Economic, Political)
- Study of Legal Systems(common law, civil law, customary law).
- Impact of Technology and Globalization
- Interdisciplinary Perspectives (philosophy, sociology, anthropology, psychology, and economics)
- Judicial Processes and Decision-Making
- Promoting Social Change and Justice
Importance of Jurisprudence
- Clarification of Legal Concepts
- It helps a lawyer in his practical work
- Jurisprudence helps the judges and lawyers in ascertaining the true meaning of the laws
- Development of Law
- Guidance for Legislators
- Judicial Decision-Making
- Promotion of Justice
- Legal Education and Research
- Critical Analysis of Legal Systems
- Facilitating Social Change
- Global and Comparative Perspectives
Nature of Jurisprudence
- Plays critical role in understanding the legal system
- It gives knowledge about sources of law like custom , precedent and legislation
- Jurisprudence gives knowledge about basic principles of law
- Uncodified Law
- Neither Procedural nor substantive Law
- Focuses on sources of law
Clarifies the concept of law , LASKI has defined ‘jurisprudence as an eye of law’
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